hat//fedora from Target//$13
glasses//borrowed from my friend, Courtney//$0
necklace//vintage owl necklace//gift from my friend, Liz//$0
earrings//handmade leather feather earrings//$2
top//plaid tunic from Forever21//$20
black tights//unknown//$5??

I found a cute little old abandoned railroad station in Orange, TX to take these pictures.

This old building has some great textures. I love it.

I took a few of these railroad nails for souvenirs. :)

you look amazing in that hat and i just LOVE those earrings! did you just recently buy that hat? i would love to find a hat that looks good on me!
Thank you! I did, actually. I bought it about a week ago. I'm sure you can find it. I tried to looked online for the link for it, but it's not available online.