We passed by a lot of really old historic towns on our way there.
Then pine tree forests that go on FOREVER. So peaceful.
Kimber and I hanging out at the hotel room eating trail mix. :)
We went to a couple of cemeteries to pay respect to our loved ones we miss so much.
My Paw-Paw.
My mom's cousin, Bobbie Lee who was hit by a drunk driver while walking down the road with her friend and sister-in-law, Vickie.
She looks a LOT like my mom.
This case actually went to the U.S. Supreme Court on my mother's birthday, February 22nd, 1982. You can read the story here.
My Maw-Maw. (My Mom's Mom)
My Great Granddad, Emery Lee Folks. He was awarded a Carnegie Medal. His story found here.
We went to Trade Days in Orange. It's a indoor/outdoor flea market and farmer's market. They had pony rides!! Kimber was pretty excited.
Meet Oreo. He's the cutest miniature horse EVER!!
Orange Lions City Park. This is a fantastical wooden castle wonderland. Holy crap. If I could fit in there, I'd have a blast.
Little Miss Ryelee.
We had a fantastic visit with my Aunt Rhonda and Uncle Peanut.
On our way back home we decided to stop at the Lutcher Memorial Church Building to take pictures. This building was the first public building West of the Mississippi River with air conditioning.
Two hours into our trip going back to Fort Worth, we passed by a small town with old buildings EVERYWHERE. I had to stop at this one abandoned shop with no roof and take pictures of Kimber.
PHEW! Lots of pictures. This isn't even half of them. OH! I did get some goodies at the Trade Days and at the local thrift store. I will save that post for tomorrow.
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